Choosing The Right Soaps & Cleansers To Control Acne

It is undeniably a nuisance to have an acne breakout. It brings down self-esteem and battling persistent acne is something that anyone wouldn’t want to encounter. However, there are several factors that can trigger breakouts including genetic factors, hormonal imbalances or changes, certain medications, diet, stress, and so much more.

When hair follicles on the skin are plugged and clogged with oil, sebum, or excess dead skin cells, a breakout occurs. While there is a myriad of acne treatments available in the market today, choosing the perfect product that is safe and works well for your skin is the real struggle. 

Acne can cause emotional distress and we totally understand how you feel. This is why we have come up with a list of surefire tips that can help you find the right soaps and cleansers for you for acne control. With the right knowledge and approach, selecting the best products perfect for your skin type and needs can be simple. 

  1. Know your skin type.

The very first step to finding the right skin care products is to know what your skin type is. A product mismatch can either be ineffective or aggravate your skin further. This is especially significant with people who are prone to acne. You wouldn’t want to antagonize and irritate your skin further just because your friend told you that her product works well for her. It may not work fine for you.

Usually, people with acne have oily, combination, or sensitive skin. People with oily skin produce excessive oil or sebum which often results in the clogging of pores. This clogging leads to breakouts. Those with combination skin, which is a mixture of both oily and dry skin, often experience breakouts in the oily areas of their faces. On the other hand, people with sensitive skin can have frequent irritation, redness, itching, and breakouts.

  1. Avoid harsh ingredients.

By being mindful of the ingredients in your skincare products, you can ensure that you won’t further aggravate your condition. When searching for products, make sure to read the label, familiarize yourself with the ingredients, and make sure that they are all-natural and gentle

A lot of skincare products in the market today contain toxic chemicals and by doing your homework, which is to research the chemicals most products contain, you can easily pinpoint and avoid them. Go for natural, botanical-based products that are not just eco-conscious but are also completely vegan and animal cruelty-free.

  1. Read reviews.

In solving your skin problem, you often go on a solo quest where you scour the Internet for solutions and products that work for other people. Yes, while you may need to set your own skin apart from products that work well with other acne-prone skin, reading reviews can greatly help in making an informed decision. Does this well-marketed product have positive reviews that do not look sketchy at all or fabricated? Try to find the details about the reviewer’s skin type and if it is similar to yours, you might want to consider it but do not forget to take all these reviews with a grain of salt.

  1. Look for non-comedogenic products.

Choosing non-comedogenic skincare products is crucial for individuals with acne-prone skin. These products are specifically designed to prevent pore-clogging and breakouts. They ensure a clearer and healthier complexion. By selecting non-comedogenic products, you're making a proactive choice to invest in your skin's health and avoid further exacerbating existing acne. 

Non-comedogenic products contain ingredients that are gentle yet effective. They provide your skin with the necessary nutrients to maintain its balance and combat blemishes.

  1. Don’t be scared to get professional help.

When you have already explored all the options by yourself, maybe it is time to get professional help. As much as there are products out there that are perfect for you, a dermatologist should not be a fearful option but instead be your solace in this mission. You can always ask for help. 

When faced with acne, it's natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain of how to effectively treat it. However, seeking help from a dermatologist should not be a source of fear, but rather, an opportunity for effective and personalized treatment. A dermatologist has the expertise and resources to assess your skin, diagnose the root cause of your acne, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.