How to Choose the Best Face Serum For You

With all the free radicals and external elements floating around us, our facial skin is the first to suffer, and having a failproof skincare routine is highly necessary. In case you don’t know yet, oxidative stress from harsh elements accelerates aging and one of the best ways to tackle it is to make sure that your facial serum truly delivers. 

When it comes to skin health, selecting the ideal face serum can play a crucial role in achieving a radiant and youthful glow. Navigating through the maze of options available in the market today can be quite a daunting task if you don’t know how to find the right product for you. 

To help you, we have created a comprehensive guide to assist you in choosing only the best and the perfect face serum that will specially cater to your skin type and requirements. 

Say goodbye to guesswork and say hello to more beautiful skin with our expert tips.

  1. Know your skin type.

The very first step yet the most crucial one to finding the perfect face serum is knowing what your skin type is. This is because different skin types have different needs and sensitivities. Using a facial serum that is not suited for you is going to be either ineffective or worse, aggravate your skin.

For those with oily skin, use a light, non-greasy formula that is non-comedogenic to ensure proper hydration and nourishment without blocking or clogging your pores. Use facial serums with all-natural, gentle ingredients such as LOMNI Purity Face Serum for people with sensitive skin that can get easily irritated.

Those with acne-prone skin must avoid harsh elements and chemicals. Choose a serum that contains salicylic acid or tea tree oil such as LOMNI Tea Tree Face Serum.


  1. Consider the ingredients.

Knowing your skin type may be the first on the list but knowing the ingredients of the serum and doing your research is equally important. When selecting a facial serum, the choice of ingredients is critical to its effectiveness and suitability for your skin type. A properly crafted serum should include active ingredients tailored to address specific skin issues including fine lines, wrinkles, lack of radiance, or dark spots. 

They must be blended with supportive ingredients to ensure maximum penetration and efficacy. Make sure you are choosing a gentle and non-irritating serum for your skin and avoid harmful additives such as parabens and fragrances. Before purchasing a facial serum, take the time to carefully review the ingredients and conduct thorough research to guarantee that you are making a wise decision. 

  1. Consistency of the serum.

There are serums out there that leave a greasy, sticky feeling after application. When choosing a facial serum, it is crucial to consider its consistency and texture. People with oily skin should opt for a lightweight, water-based serum that won't add extra grease to their complexion. Those with dry skin should choose a richer, more nourishing serum that will hydrate and soothe their skin. Select the one that aligns best with your skin type and personal preferences for optimal results.

  1. Make an informed decision.

It can be quite overwhelming to make an informed decision when there are loads of options to choose from in the market today. Doing your homework, looking at reviews with a grain of salt, and familiarising yourself with the ingredients will significantly help your purchasing decision.

Other people’s feedback on different facial serum products will help you weigh which ones are okay and which ones are a bit off. Do not hesitate to ask the experts themselves, but please be careful because what could work for other people might not work for you. 

Do your research and read a lot.

  1. Make sure that it can combat the signs of premature ageing.

Your serum must have the ability to prevent premature aging. As mentioned above, free radicals accelerate our aging and this is undeniably bothersome. Make sure that the serum you are picking to add to your daily skincare routine is packed with natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties for full skin protection.